Health is Wealth – Lunch & Learn
Are you confused about all of the diets that are popular these days? Keto, Whole 30, Paleo, low-fat, vegan, vegetarian….
Do you want to break free free from diet fads and have a desire to learn the basics of eating for long term health? If yes, then this is opportunity you’ve been waiting for….and it is FREE!
Starting August 6th at 12pm pst, we’ll join for five weekly sessions to learn the basics of healthy eating and what that looks like broken down into the best choices for protein, fats and carbohydrates. We’ll also talk about the role stress, sleep and exercise have on your ability to maintain a healthy weight and sustained energy. After our time together you’ll have a better understanding of how to make healthier choices starting day one, no fancy shakes or complicated recipes needed. Also, I will be choosing two participants to work with and offer free 1:1 health coaching.
Five weeks to a healthier and happier you.
Are you in? I’m limiting the size of the group to 20 people, register to reserve your spot below.
Our sessions will cover the following topics:
Week 1- Orientation and Intake
Week 2 – Eating for Health Fundamentals
Week 3 – What you need to know about proteins and fats
Week 4 – The best carbohydrates for your body
Week 5 – Eating for energy and healthy weight