Diet Direction – Building, Balancing and Cleansing
There are basically three different diet directions that many of the popular named diets fall into: Building, Balancing and Cleansing. Below you can find descriptions for each and when each would be appropriate.
Building or Balancing is the long-term choice for most healthy people, with Cleansing diet rotated in as needed. • Eat with the seasons: • Cleansing diet in summer: • Lighter & cooling foods: fruits, berries and veggies • Building diet in winter: • Warming foods, focus on protein & fats • Balancing diet in spring and fall: • Moderate intake of proteins, fats, whole carbohydrates
Has a warming effect: more calories from fats and protein. Good for growth, repair, restoration, grounding, fast metabolism, physical activity, cold & deficient conditions. Appropriate for those growing rapidly: children, teenagers, pregnant women, competitive athletes, and those recovering from illness or injury (if they can digest & assimilate food well).
Slow metabolism: benefits from a Building diet combined with a rotating Cleansing diet.
- 15 – 35% Protein
- 45 – 60% Healthy fats
- 20 – 40% Carbohydrates
Use visual cues to estimate the serving sizes:
- Protein: 4-6 servings daily, 3-4 oz animal, 6 oz plant protein
- Fats: 2-3 Tbs daily, serving size 4-6 Tbs
- Non-starchy veggies: Unlimited, at least 3-5 servings, serving size 1 cup
- Whole grains: 1-3 servings/day, serving size 1/2 cup
Moderate intake of proteins, fats, carbohydrates. Equal amount of calories from protein and fats versus amount of calories from carbohydrates. Good long term maintenance diet. Neutral pH: acid-alkaline balance. Stabilizing, comforting, moderate.
- 10 – 30% protein
- 20 – 45% fats
- 30 – 60% carbohydrates
Use visual cues to estimate serving sizes:
- Protein: 2-4 servings/day; 3 oz animal, 6 oz plant protein
- Fats: 2-3 servings/day, 2-3 Tbs serving
- Carbohydrates: Whole grains: 3-4 servings/day, ½ cup serving
- Starchy veggies: 1-2 servings/day, ½ cup serving
- Fruits: 2-4 serving/day, 1 medium or ½ cup serving
- Non-starchy veggies: unlimited, 4-6/day, 1 cup serving
- Fluids: 9-13 cups daily
Cooling effect: most calories are from carbs. Focus is on raw and high water content foods: fruits, berries, veggies. Low in proteins & fats. Clears out waste & toxins. Alkalinizing effect. Gives quick energy. Works short term for. Sluggishness. Congestion. Inflammatory & hot conditions. Slow metabolism.
Adding proteins & fats helps with blood sugar stability: Protein powder, seeds, avocado, boosters
- 10 – 20% protein
- 10 – 20% fats
- 60 – 80% carbohydrates
Use visual cues to estimate the serving sizes:
- Carbs: Vegetables, leafy or crunchy, 6-8 servings/day, 1 cup serving
- Grains and starchy veggies, 2-4 servings/day, ½ cup serving,
- Fruits: 4-5 servings/day, 1 medium or ½ cup serving
- Protein: 2 oz animal, 4 oz vegetable
- Fats: 1-2 Tbs/day, seeds only
Serving Sizes (Visual cues):
- Deck of card or checkbook = 3 oz
- Meat, fish, poultry
- 1/2 baseball = 1/2 cup
- Grains, beans, root vegetables
- 1 baseball = 1 cup, 8 oz
- Beverages, yogurt, milk, leafy vegetables
- Poker chip 1.5” or golf ball 1.7” = 1-2 Tbs
- Oils, nuts, seeds, cookie, desserts • Dice or fingertip ~ 1 oz or 1 tsp