

Somatic Healing for Stress and Well-being

Welcome to a journey of getting out of your head and into your most embodied self. At Alchemy Nutrition and Movement, I specialize in helping you reconnect with your body, rewire your nervous system, and restore balance and vitality. If you’ve struggled with chronic stress, anxiety, overthinking, or feelings of being stuck, somatic healing might be the missing piece to your wellness puzzle.

What is Somatic Healing?

Somatic healing is a body-centered approach that helps you access and release stored tension, trauma, and stress. Unlike traditional therapy, which focuses on talking, somatic healing works directly with your body’s nervous system to help you move out of fight-or-flight mode and into a state of calm, presence, and well-being. By learning these techniques, you can cultivate a deep sense of safety, reduce stress, and experience profound mind-body healing.

My Somatic Healing Support

  1. Rewire and Restore: Somatic Healing for Stress and Well-being (Monthly Healing Circle) Join me each month at Pleasure Point Yoga for a 75 minute community healing group focused on learning somatic practices that help you reconnect with your body and regulate your nervous system. Each session covers a different technique designed to reduce stress and support deep mind-body healing. Learn more and sign up.
  2. 1:1 Somatic Healing Sessions Experience personalized support through 60 minute one-on-one somatic healing sessions. Together, we will explore how you feel in your body and areas where stress and trauma might be held in your and use gentle yet powerful techniques to release tension, find safety, and promote healing. The goal of these sessions is to practice getting out of thinking and into being and identifying beliefs or feelings that are keeping you from that. Connecting deeply with how you feel and how you want to feel and how to cultivate more of that in your life through your connection with your body. Investment: $100 per session or $350 for a package of 4 sessions.
  3. Workshops and Group Sessions I offer specialized workshops that dive deeper into the practice of somatic healing. From stress management techniques to enhancing your vitality, these workshops provide actionable tools to help you navigate daily life with more ease and flow. Contact me to learn more. 

How Somatic Healing Works

In our sessions, you’ll learn to recognize and release the physical sensations associated with deep rooted beliefs, persistent unhelpful thoughts, stress and trauma. Techniques like, breathwork, gentle movement, grounding, body scans, and gentle touch help train you to snap out of fight or flight, get you out of your head and deeply calming the nervous system and bring you into a state of balance. This process not only alleviates symptoms like anxiety and chronic tension but also helps you develop a stronger connection with your body, leading to long-term well-being.

Benefits of Somatic Healing

  • Release chronic stress and tension
  • Improve emotional resilience
  • Enhance mind-body connection
  • Reduce anxiety and depression
  • Support better sleep and overall well-being
  • Cultivate a deeper sense of presence and calm

Somatic Healing with Alisha

The health of your mind and body starts with a regulated nervous system. I bring a unique perspective to health by combining holistic nutrition, supportive movement, and somatic healing practices to help people tap into ultimate health, vitality and flow. My personal journey of overcoming stress, anxiety, and working through my own traumas has given me deep empathy and insight into what humans need to thrive and what truly works. I’m here to guide you every step of the way towards a healthier, more vibrant life.


“I loved our session yesterday. You are truly a healer and a force of goodness. Your positive and supportive energy is now vibrating through me. Thank you. I am so grateful for you.” ~ Eileen 

Ready to reconnect with your body and restore your well-being? Set up a Free Wellness Strategy call to explore working together, get your questions answered and set up sessions. 

Ready to Rewire & Restore?

Ready to reconnect with your body and restore your well-being? Set up a Free Wellness Strategy call to explore working together, get your questions answered and set up sessions. 

Book A Wellness Strategy Call