

nearly every chronic disease on the planet has links to toxicity, including dementia, heart disease, autoimmune diseases, food allergies, and digestive issues.

— Decrease Your Toxic Load
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What is toxic load?

The sad truth is that we are all exposed to toxic chemicals every day. We are exposed through the air we breathe and what we put in and on our bodies. Over time these chemicals build up. Our natural detoxification organs which include our colon, liver, lungs, kidneys, skin and lymph glands can’t keep up and we become sick. For example, the Journal of the National Cancer Institute  claims that 75% of cancer is caused by diet and environmental factors. Many of these common chemicals we are exposed to also affect our endocrine system (hormones), impact neurotransmitters (brain chemicals that help control your body functions) and can decrease the health of our immune system and digestive function.

How do you know if you are suffering from toxic load?

Some common signs that you may be dealing with a toxicity issue include constant fatigue, unexplained weight gain and/or a hard time loosing weight, bad breath, constipation, unexplained muscle aches and pains, skin problems,

Top contributors to toxic load.

  • Environmental toxins. Heavy metals, mercury and lead, petrochemicals, residues, pesticides and fertilizers.
  • Allergies. Food allergies, environmental allergies, molds and toxins from molds.
  • The Standard American Diet (SAD). Factory farming, non-organic produce, processed foods, trans fats, etc.
  • Stress. Negative mental, emotional and spiritual toxins like loneliness, anger, fatigue, depression, jealousy and hostility poison our systems.
  • Medications. Over use of prescribed drugs contributes to the toxins in our bodies. Too often we are prescribed medication without first looking at diet, lifestyle and environmental factors.
  • Internal toxins. These include bacteria, fungus and yeast as well as hormonal and metabolic toxins.

How to decrease your toxic load?

  1. Eat for health. But organic when you can and reduce processed foods. Foods that support your liver include: cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage), herbs and spices (garlic and turmeric), green tea and sulfur-containing foods. Read more hear about holistic support for your liver.
  2. Focus on supporting nutrients. Dandelion root and leaf, milk thistle, omega 3 and probiotics all support your body to support and repair liver functioning.
  3. Move your body. At least 30 minutes a day! Moving the body helps to circulate both blood and lymph. It also helps to bring oxygen to your cells and supports digestion.
  4. Optimize your digestion.  One of the ways your body detoxifies itself is through your colon. Eat enough fiber and make sure you are eliminating regularly.
  5. Drink enough water. Drink half your weight in ounces a day. Many toxins are eliminated through your urine.
  6. Detox your beauty routine. Your skin is the largest organ of your body. What you put on your skin gets absorbed and goes directly into your blood system. Consider what you put on your skin carefully. Some of my favorite natural products are in my shop and you can find more tips here for how to detox your beauty routine. Find out how toxic your current beauty products are by doing a search in the Environmental Working Group database of products called Skin Deep.
  7. Decrease stress. Try yoga, meditation, breathing exercises and practice being mindful throughout your day. Many toxins are released through your lungs! Stress is considered a toxin and chronic stress causes causes disease.

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